Wednesday, August 30, 2006


"Move To The Right For Sirens And Lights"

Now if you saw this Big Red Vehicle in your rear view mirror, what would you do? ..... Yes, Move to the right for sirens and lights! It is amazing the reaction we get from drivers when they see us approaching ... pulling left, being indecisive, or even stopping right in front of the engine! Just wanted to show what our engine looks like going to a call ... be safe on the roads and "get the Big Picture"!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Let's Cut 'Em Up

These were taken at our extriction drill at our training center. Tow companies donate cars for us to cut up and train on. It's great because we get to see different models of cars. "Chaquita" our cadet, got to try her hand with the sawsall. We also got trained on new methods of extrication. With all of the new vehicles on the road we never quite know what we will come upon with our next call.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Lowell's Turn To Cook

Ok Ok So firefighters are great cooks, that's what everybody says, but sometimes when we get busy we just don't have time to be in the kitchen. On our shift we each have a choice of what we want to do for dinner when it is our day. The captain has the first shift, engineer second and firefighter third. Lately, our Captain, Lowell has been "loving" going here to get dinner. He is hooked on the steak tacos! We all do love this place but John is a bit tired of it although Lowell and Mo could go here every shift!


Unique Cuts

Finding someone to give a great haircut is hard to find these days but Lowell and John seem to have found the right beautician ... Letty. Here she is with the guys. She is right here in the heart of "The Nizzle". She is a very sweet lady and does great work! "Unique Cuts" for two unique guys!


"Chaquita ... Come On Down"!!!

"Raquelita" You are the Next Contestant on The Price Is Right ! Those were the words that Raquel wanted to hear when she went to the taping of The Price is Right. Here is a pic of Raquel's very cool shirt that she designed to wear while sitting in the studio audience waiting ever so patiently for her name to be called. She loves the show and of course Bob Barker! She has us watching it (usually while on the treadmill). She said that it was really fun, yet a long day. This time her name was not picked ...but almost, they did write her number down and talked to her for a long time, must have been her "sparkeling personality". We will watch for the show to be aired. There is alway next time "Chaquita".

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


By Land and By Sea

This is our Fire Boat. We work with the Harbor Patrol. The harbor Patrol crew drives the boat and we run the all of the fire equipment. John, our Engineer is here on board doing his weekly checks on the boat...and posing for this picture! Below is a picture of Mo testing the turret making sure it is always ready for the next call. Gary and Lowell discuss tactics on a nice sunny day at the Harbor. This is the logo on the boat.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


"Come On Gold Coast"

In the words of one of our firefighters, "Come on Gold Coast"! These guys and gals are the medics that we run with. Last weekend we helped out the Police Department with a community event and we had two rigs from Gold Coast show up. It was great because they gave tours of their rigs so the public could get a "birds eye view" of their ambulances and get a feel for what they do.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


All present and accounted for!

Sooo we've created a blog all our own to keep up to date the happenings in the "Wynizzle". Here is a pic of our "B" Shift crew, cadet "Chaquita" and our Chief included. Hopefully we'll be able to share cool pics and funny stories with "Y'all"!

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