Thursday, November 30, 2006


Thanksgiving Day

A beautiful Malibu Sunset! We swapped sectors with the Malibu crew for a few hours and I was able to get this pic ... it was awesome!

We had our families out to the station for our Thanksgiving feast, and of course just as we were sitting down to eat, we got a call and were back an hour later ... nature of the business! Here, Lowell, his wife Sylvia and daughter Nani are trying out our new water rescue crafts.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


"My View on the Way to a Call"

This is what it looks like from my point of view when we go to a call. Actually in the engine that we have I can sit facing forward or backward. I prefer to face forward to see where we are going, although the other seat is more comfortable. We wear these headsets so that we can communicate with each other...also for hearing protection. Good thing that my arm is long, so you can see a bit of the cab, and also that John is an excellent driver so that the picture is not blurry!

Friday, November 17, 2006



Isn't it cool how a smell can take you back to a moment or place in time. That is what happens when I smell plumeria .. I am instantly taken back to Hawaii, a mini "virtual trip" to paradise! Too bad we don't have "smell-a-vision" you could all enjoy the moment. One of our captains brought in this plumeria and planted it in the front of the station this morning. I know where I will be in between calls ... on my "virtual trip to Paradise".


Instant Surfer ... Just Add Water!

Yes, I did ask Lowell to give my his best impression of him surfing ... this is what I got! Check out his stance, such style, such grace, if only we were a little bit closer to the water, you could see him really move!


A Hueneme Sunset

A Beautiful sunset in the Hueneme. No one on the beach, of course it is November and about
6:00 in the everning. The weather has been gorgeous!

Here is a shot of the pier. In the summer they have lifeguards stationed here at the beach, but not in the winter ... so we are the "catch all" for every kind of rescue ... land and sea!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Lunch with The Mrs. Olson's Girls

Watch the video
It was a pretty crazy day at work today from the start! We thought we would be able to squeeze in lunch at Mrs. Olson's so we ventured over there. Just as we were to order, we got a call we were out the door! After the call we realized that they would be closing in ten minutes so we gave them a call, left a message, and asked if we could get our lunch order "to go"! Much to our suprise, and Delight when we got there ... now remember, they were closed by now, ... our lunch order was ready for us at the window table. The "Girls" were finishing up and just about to have their lunch too! It worked out Great! Sometimes you never can plan and when you don't Great Things Happen!!
Remember ... to see the video you need Quicktime ... easy to download and free! go to so you can see the fun video!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


"Chaquita's Legal"!

Our "Chaquita" ... our cadet .. ok, ok, our "former cadet" ( because she has graduated) voted for
the first time on November 7, 2006. I was there to capture the
moment on film! Sure she thought
it was silly, but hey, how many people have their first voting experience on film???? You can see she was a happy voter!


My First Video Slideshow

Watch the video
This is my first video slideshow. It was made with Windows Movie Maker. If you want to see the video it is on Window Media Player.
It was an awesome day a couple of weeks ago, I was assigned to the Rincon to work the watertender with Howie. We were ready for any fire to break loose. We took a cruise during the day by my house and the kids got to have a tour of the Big Water Truck!
Thank you Mindy for all of your "vlogging" help!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Makeover Complete !

Update on our Station makeover ... yes, it is complete. They rolled in the grass and it looks so much nicer. I'm sure that the neighbors appreciate it.
They also trimmed the existing plants along the side of the station ... much neater.

Along the front they put a sweeping border with new plants and bark. The curb appeal, as they say, much more pleasing to the eye!

Monday, November 06, 2006


"Really, This Won't Hurt A Bit"

This morning was Flu Shots for everybody ... who wanted them. Here is "Nurse Katy" in her very "Official Nurse Garb"! WOW awesome! Love the hat Katy!! And she was right, it didn't hurt a bit, maybe because she had suckers for us so we weren't thinking about the pain!


Fire Pole at Station 51

Watch the video
I worked at Fire Station 51 in El Rio the other day. They have a big new two story station with a fire pole. My engineer, Ray, was so kind as to film me going down the pole.

Remember ... if you want to see this video you have to have Quicktime on your computer.
It's really easy to download and it's free. Just go to


A Walk on the Beach

Here we are at Hollywood Beach. Lowell, Me, and Steve our "C' Shift Engineer at 53's (John was on vacation). It was just a perfect day to check out the surf and activities on the shore. This was my attempt at being "artsy". I wrote 53 in the sand and wanted to get the perfect picture with the number, kelp, and the sea foam. I waited until the last minute to get the
picture ... and obviously waited too long. Next thing I knew I was scrambling up the berm with soaking wet boots all the while Lowell and Steve were cracking up!


Another Day at work

Here are a few pictures that I took the other day while we were out and about in our sector.
These were taken at Channel Island Harbor ... lots of boats.
Surf was nice, this guy got a good ride!

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