Monday, November 13, 2006


Lunch with The Mrs. Olson's Girls

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It was a pretty crazy day at work today from the start! We thought we would be able to squeeze in lunch at Mrs. Olson's so we ventured over there. Just as we were to order, we got a call we were out the door! After the call we realized that they would be closing in ten minutes so we gave them a call, left a message, and asked if we could get our lunch order "to go"! Much to our suprise, and Delight when we got there ... now remember, they were closed by now, ... our lunch order was ready for us at the window table. The "Girls" were finishing up and just about to have their lunch too! It worked out Great! Sometimes you never can plan and when you don't Great Things Happen!!
Remember ... to see the video you need Quicktime ... easy to download and free! go to so you can see the fun video!

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